Saturday, January 9, 2010

How is it that what happened 30 years ago can still influence you today? Something happens and that memory is back. How can you separate your childhood from your kids? I have spent so much time trying to do this. I look back at the way I grew up and knew from the beginning that I did not want my kids to go thru the same things I went thru growing up. I have tried so hard to bring my children up to love God and love people. And realize that they are not the center of the world. But there are times, I think that you should be the center of the world. You should have the experience of reaching your goal, achieving your dreams, and shining.
I know that every family has issues but sometimes it feels like difficulty is attached to me and like a leech. I just want the best for my children and I feel like the more I work to accomplish that goal the farther I get from it.
My children are all so awesome in their own way and I want them to first off serve God and second achieve their dream.
Lord help me be the mother you want me to be. Help my children know that God loves them and I do too. And no matter what happens in their lives I will be there to support them and encourage them and just be there for them.