Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tooth, Nose and Woes

Okay it has been a while since I have had time to post. Clay is doing well this week. He will be taking his first standardized testing next week. He is taking an alternate assessment (his teacher will read it all to him and he has 5 days to take it instead of 1). It should be interesting to see how he does. He probably will do great on the comprehension he is really strong in it.

Cole finished his ACT today. I think he was very happy to get it over with. I know I was glad for him. He is not sure how he did. I am just proud of him for having the gusto to work on it at home to prepare.

For me I have an abscessed tooth. To top that off I am going to have to have my first root canal and two crowns. Yuck. I really hate the dentist. But I know I need to have it done. The dentist gave me Lortab and I am really feeling fuzzy today but not in pain. I also had a thing removed off my nose yesterday. It has been there for several years but has really been bothering me the last year. This is the third one I have had removed the other two were benine I am sure this one will be too. Our dishwasher broke last week. I am really missing it. Aren't we spoiled with all our convienceses?

My biggest woe is a good friend who has really upset me. I guess she has been upset with me for a couple of weeks because she called and I did not call her back. I guess I am not really upset about it but more bothered. I remember when Morgan told me she called but I did not have time that day to talk and the next day was the day I put my dad in the hospital. I tried to explain to her about my dad and Clay and everything but she told me that I was a failure as a friend. It reminded me of Jr High. I really wanted to say I have been thru JH once, brought 2 kids thru it and am in the middle of it with #3. Been there done that and I do not want to do it again. This is not the first time that she has gotten upset with me over what I call JH stuff. I have tried to explain to her my desire to focus on my family and that this season in life puts them in the center of my life and that is about all I have time for but she just does not seem to get it. I know that God will provide a clear answer because the Bible tells me so.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Back to school and just life

Clay went back to school today. Last night he was stressed. He kept telling me he had food poisoning. And then he scratched himself with something all over his chest and stomach and told me it was a rash (which he gets often). But this morning other than waking up early and wanting alot of attention he was okay. He told me Ms. Z (special Ed teacher) would give him the talk. I ask he what the talk was he said it was the Suspension Talk. I asked him what it was he looked at me and said I don't know this is the first time I have been suspended duh!!! LOL

Cole is in the middle of taking his ACT. He got special testing because of his sever dyslexia. He will take the math part on Friday and finish the rest next Wednesday. We need to buckle down and study. He has been doing really well working on it but, now that life is a little back to normal (what is normal I am not sure) we can really work on it.

Clay's community worker told me last week that the teachers at his school thought I was a pushover with him. It really upset me. It is just so different at home than it is at school. At school he has so many resources at home he has 3 teenage sibilings and a mom who tries her best, but does not want to make everything a battle. I did make him go the the Rebound program yesterday. He was not too happy about it but I told him if they called me and told me he had coorperated that I would pick him up early. He was a perfect little gentleman they told me. :)

God continues to show me what a need there is for education of not only students but teachers and administrators too when it comes to kids with neurological deficits. Just because a child "looks normal" does not mean that there are no problems. And I am just not sure what kindof education they get on the multiple problems that can occur. Someday I would like to be able to use my experience to help other families in similar situations.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Teenagers and blessings

Okay now I officially have two teenager drivers. I remember the days when I use to joke about having 3 teenagers. I just never imagined that it would come so fast. I can't believe that my babies are almost grown up. These are the days that I really cherish Clay and the fact that he is so innocent and that even at almost 11 he loves his Mommy and prefers her over anyone else. One of the many benefits of Autism.

Riley was so excited about getting her license. I guess now I am going to have to teach her to drive.

We went shopping today for dresses for their formal "party" tomorrow night. They both look so grown up. Cole got a new suit jacket and shirt and tie. They will look awesome tomorrow night.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Okay here's a break from my intro to blog about a little drama in our life. To start with my 70 year old father was in the hospital for 4 days. I spent alot of time with him and also we had my 13 year old brother to take care of. Needless to say our life was a little topsy-turvy. Clay did real well. I was not home when he got home from school. I was not home to tuck him in at night. Well after 4 days of this he had had enough. He went off on his theripist at school he used words that in my opinion are reseved for bar rooms. So he got suspened for 2 days. That would not have been so bad (I know he deserved it) but it is already a 4day weekend. So that is 6 days off.

On the first day of his suspension I sent him to a rebound program. He got mad and ran off he got about a mile away from the facility before the cops found him and brought him back. He will go again on Tuesday and I know it will be a fight. He was crying and carring we got home. He said they were mean to him and did not help him at all. I am not looking forward to Tuesday and the fight that will happen.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

First Post

The last few days have been really stressful at our house. Between my dad being in the hospital for 4 days, having an extra child, and now Clay being suspended I figured it would be a great time to start blogging about my life. Add that all to our daily life and my husband working a second job it adds up to me not sleeping and just feeling blah!!!!

I am the mother of 4 (three teenagers and one 10 year old with Aspergers) I have been married for almost 18 years and I homeschool my 3 oldest kids. Life at our house is always an adventure.

My youngest son Clay was diagnosised with Aspergers about 4 years ago. We always knew something was different about him. He was very attached to me as a baby and toddler. So much so that he rarely went to anyone else with out a fight. He also was very sensitive to food textures and clothes. So much so that he only ate about 3 things until he was 3. He also had strange obessessions. The first one was people in hats. He loved hats. He once wore a hat for almost 6 months straight. We would try to take it off while he was sleeping and he would wake up. I took it off a couple of times a week to wash his hair. He screamed bloody murder but that was okay be he screamed over baths and hair washing everytime. (By the way he still can't stand having his hair washed) Let me tell you this stage was better than the one where he wore a red bike helmet for about a month straight. You can imagine the looks we got when we were out.

Clay was a late talker. We just accounted this to the fact that he had 3 older sibilings to talk for him. Wrong. Never assume that the reason a child is not achieving a milestone is normal. He was also a late walker and did not potty train until after he was 3. One thing we were thankful for was that he was loud. And when I say loud he was really loud. We moved to another part of the country when he was almost 3. Our new house did not have screens on the windows and he figured out really fast how to escape out the window. We spent alot of time running after him. We only had to look for him a couple of times because all the rest we could hear him.

When he was 3 I took him to the doctor for a regular checkup. I talked to the doctor about all his different behaiors and sensory issues. He assured me he was just a boy and they sometimes develop a little slower than girls and not to worry. His words were something like "oh he's a boy just let him be a boy". So I did. My life revovled around Clay. We would have to take turns doing school so someone could be with Clay all the time. He just could not be trusted or save by himself.